What if…

One of the really common recommendations for generating plot ideas is “Ask yourself What if… about something.” It’s the foundation of Alternate History stories, from changes that everyone recognizes – What if the South had won the Civil War? What if Napoleon had won at Waterloo? What

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Tax Tracking

As you can probably tell, we’re still having difficulties with the web site, off and on. Also, for anyone who still has my old email address, pcw@visi.com has permanently stopped working; the only one that works now is the one on the main web page, pcwrede@pcwrede.com. Thanks

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What they do while they’re talking

The last set of considerations in a dialog scene are not, strictly speaking, dialog; they’re the speech tags, body language, and stage business that happen around the dialog. But various students of communication contend that somewhere between forty and eighty percent of what we communicate is done

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