The new modem is now working, but the wireless still isn’t. I probably should have expected it–it’s one of those corollaries of Murphy’s Law: The week before you leave home on a trip, everything that can go wrong will.

But I am going to ignore my chore list today, because the weather is beautiful. If it warms up a little, I’m taking my laptop outside, maybe to one of the lakes, to work. If it stays chilly, I’m taking the laptop to one of the coffee shops that has a big window where I can sit and enjoy the light and the blue, blue sky, and all the green. Winter this year carried on so long that I’m still hungry for green growing things, even though it’s been a few weeks since the last of the snow melted.

  1. That sound relaxing, I’d enjoy that right about now. But unfortunutly I hav a book report due tomorrow on 13th child and i am takeing a break.

    How long do you wait to start another book? Do you dive right into the next one or do you take a breather?

    • It depends. Usually, if I decide to take a break, I end up diving right in, and if I intend to dive right into the next one, I end up taking a break after all. Sometimes life gets in the way. But writing works best when I do it regularly-some every day, whether I’m just finishing something up, just getting started, or in the middle.