Description without describing

One of the things that is important to a good many readers is getting a sense of place—that is, what the characters’ surroundings look and feel like. Back in the early days of the novel, that meant a lot of books going into five or ten pages

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I’m baaaack…

I’m baaaack! And I want to start by saying thank you to everyone for your condolences and sympathy, and for your understanding about the hiatus. I hadn’t expected it to go on so long, frankly, but I am my father’s executor and it is taking much longer

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Some uses for fanfiction

Fanfiction is a fascinating phenomenon. Yes, yes, I know that there’s still a huge argument going on between the people who think it’s all right to do and the people who consider it illegal, unethical, and unprofessional, but I think it’s a rather silly argument, on the

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