The Down Side of Quotas

One of the ways writers attempt to make themselves produce more words fast is to give themselves quotas and/or deadlines. “I will write 1,000 words/four pages/for three hours every day/week/month.” Most of the time, this doesn’t work terribly well for me, for several reasons. The most obvious

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Technology and Process

Technology changes the way we work. Everybody knows this, but there is nothing quite like having your Internet go out to bring it home to you. Last week’s infrastructure failure made me think about how my writing process has changed over time. I started my first book

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Comfort zones

There’s a phrase I use a lot when I’m talking to people who want to be writers: “If what you are doing isn’t working, try something else!” Recently it has been borne in on me that a lot of those folks have nodded enthusiastically… and then they

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Talent and criticism

Last week, I kept stumbling across stories about the different responses people have to feedback.  The first couple came in the form of two versions of the old story about the violin maestro. He was approached by a young student who wanted the maestro’s judgement on his

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