1. Lookin’ good!

    Can I ask who did the cake? The detailed image is really impressive.

    • Odette – I think the cake was done by one of the local bakeries; I don’t know which. They have cool new cake-decorating gadgets that can basically reproduce just about anything on a cake-top!

  2. What a cool cake! Glad you got your pictures posted. Maybe your tech support can fix that directory issue so you won’t have to wrestle with the HTML so much.

  3. Mmm, that cake is beautiful.

  4. I wondered if the cake design was gadget-produced, so to speak. Otherwise, someone has seriously steady hands! Either way, it’s very cool.

  5. OMG!!! That cake is TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!!! Coolioznez!!! Sorry I use made up words/phrases!! I’m in middle school, can u tell??

  6. The cake is amazing! It looks too incredible to eat!

  7. When is the second book of the Thirteenth Child is coming out? It was very good. I feel so bad for Eff, I cried when Uncle Earn said all those things! Well anyways, good job!

    • Lily – I don’t know exactly when the second book will come out, because I haven’t finished writing it yet, and they won’t schedule it until I do. I’ll let everyone know when I do.

  8. Thanks, Ill keep checking your website for news. Keep working hard!

  9. Hey its me again, I’m doing a project on this book-a book talk. Any pointers?

    • Lily – Sorry, I don’t actually know much about doing book talks. Writing them, now…that, I can tell you about. 🙂