Why I’m Not At Work Today…

Here, belatedly, is why you don’t have a normal scheduled blog post today. For the last six months, one of my sisters and I have been planning a train trip from Minneapolis to Chicago, Chicago to LA, LA to San Francisco, San Francisco to Portland, and Portland

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First Open Mic of 2024!

It’s another open mic! I’m out of town at the moment, so talk among yourselves or ask stuff for me to talk about when I get back next week.

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Setting up the bazooka

There are two kinds of setups possible in a story: First, things that need to be established in order for the reader to understand or accept them as believable, and second, things the reader is supposed to remember without realizing how relevant they are until a surprise

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This may not sound like a continuation of the beginning-middle-end sequence I have going on in these posts, but it is. Because this is where the writer has a chance to solve some of the problems that came up in the first draft, especially if the story

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…you come to the end: then stop.

Endings are the point at which whatever changed in the protagonist’s life at the beginning has been resolved, and the story is over. Endings give many writers almost as much trouble as beginnings or middles (though often it’s not the same writers), though for different reasons. The

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Go on until … (Middles)

Every story that’s complete has a beginning, a middle, and an end. They may not be written or presented in that order; one or more elements may be implied rather than stated, or left out entirely; but the story has them. Middles are the hard part for

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Begin at the beginning

A new year means a new beginning for many people, and it presents an irresistible opportunity for me to talk about beginning a story, even if most of you are probably in the middle of something at the moment. The first question that comes to mind is

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Beta Reader Do’s and Don’ts

The holiday season is always a bit tricky when it comes to blog posts. I generally take the week off between Christmas and New Years, so next week will be another Open Mic, available for whatever people want to discuss (or just for exchanging holiday wishes). I’ll

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